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NH Mental Health Peer Alliance is affiliated with these organizations.


Important: When you select an option, you will be directed to the affiliate's website.

NH Behavioral Health Planning & Advisory Council (NHBHPAC)

Brings together consumers and families representing children and adults throughout the lifespan with other stakeholders, partners and advocates in the creation, expansion, planning, monitoring and evaluating of public behavioral health services and substance use disorder systems of care in NH.


It reviews and monitors the biennial Mental Health Block Grant Application and Substance Use Disorder Grant Application. The Council also monitors the mental health services and substance use disorder and support system throughout the state. Its membership is comprised of interested individuals, including:

  • Peers with mental health conditions and substance use disorders,

  • Family members of consumers;

  • Program advocates,

  • Service providers and

  • Representatives of NH service agencies.


The BHPAC meets quarterly. These meetings are public.


Contact People: Michelle Wagner, Chair,, NH Department of Health & Human Services, 105 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301, (603) 271-5007.

Provides information, education and support for children and youth, families, adults and older adults who are dealing with the challenges of mental illness.


Our goal is to facilitate consumer and family input into all aspects of the state-funded mental health system as well as the Bureau of Mental Health Services' planning and policy development. Consumer and family experience is invaluable in the identification of mental health care needs, planning and program development. Consumers and families can tell us what is  and what isn't working for them. Their window on reality will guide and ensure the quality of the services that we deliver. By recruiting, organizing and empowering consumers and families, the OCFA seeks to support them in establishing and maintaining strong input and mental health leadership on a local, regional, state and national level.


Executive Director:

Comprised of the ten community mental health centers throughout New Hampshire, these centers serve individuals in our state who are living with -–and recovering from--mental illness and emotional disorders. This network of community mental health centers provides ongoing and emergency behavioral health services to New Hampshire residents, both children and adults. The goal of the Association is to raise awareness about the crucial role played by community-based mental health centers to ensure public safety and overall public health for all New Hampshire residents. In addition, the Association serves as an advocate for a strong mental health system across New Hampshire.


Contact:, 603-225-6633, 1 Pillsbury Street, Suite 200, Concord, NH 03301.

This grassroots organization works to improve the quality of life for all by providing support, education and advocacy for people affected by mental illness and suicide. Comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups and staff and volunteers, NAMI NH provides information, education and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness and suicide.


Contact Person: Susan Stearns, Executive Director,, 603-738-5843, 85 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301.

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), formerly the National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (NDMDA), is a non-profit organization providing support groups for people who live with depression or bipolar disorder as well as their friends and family. DBSA's scope also includes outreach, education and advocacy regarding depression and bipolar disorder.

DBSA sponsors online and face-to-face support groups. A non-randomized study found that support-group participants reported coping skills, medication compliance and acceptance of their condition correlated with participation. Member hospitalization decreased by 49% (from 82% to 33%). Following an initial meeting, members were found to be 6.8 times more likely to attend subsequent meetings if accompanied by a member the first time.


DBSA receives over 21 million hits per year on their combined websites. Each month, DBSA distributes nearly 20,000 educational materials free-of-charge to anyone requesting information about mood disorders. DBSA reaches nearly five million people through their educational materials and programs, exhibit materials and media activities.


DBSA employs a small staff and operates as a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the guidance of a Scientific Advisory Board.


Source: Wikipedia


Contact People (Concord): Susan Milliken,, 603-224-2664, Steve Farr,, 603-494-2685.



Clubhouses are located all over the country. These family-led agencies provide psycho-social rehabilitation--job-seeking, education, housing and friendship skills--to people 18 and older with mental health conditions and substance-misuse disorders in New Hampshire’s Seacoast and Manchester areas and the southern Maine communities of Kittery and Eliot.


Contact Person: Patricia Reed, State Director,, 60 Rogers Street, Unit 205, Manchester, NH 03103.

This nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocates, educates, and collaborates to improve the health and wellness of all New Hampshire residents through policy change. New Futures envisions a State and local communities where public policies help keep New Hampshire a healthy state to live, work, and raise a family. We want to hear from you about what changes need to be made and help you use your voices to make them.


Contact Person: Jess Wojenski, Training Manager,, 603-225-9540, 100 North Main Street, Suite 400, Concord, NH 03301.

P.O. Box 1564, Nashua, NH


(603) 809-7884

FAX (603) 882-8700

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